HOW MUCH IS NEEDED TO INVEST..... It only takes $15,000.00 to open or transfer an account to MFM for professional management. For comprehensive management a $50,000 minimum exists. For option hedging strategies a $25,000 minimum exists.

WHAT ARE THE FEES..... Since we are compensated solely by consultation or management fees, we receive no remuneration from the sale, recommendation or referral of any investment product, nor do we participate in receiving any 12B-1 fee income from mutual fund companies. Our current fee structure is $160.00 per hour for investment consultations. Fees generally are 1% for Fixed Income and Equity accounts, and 2.0% on funds utilized for option hedging management. Most accounts normally average a 1.25% annual fee on the total account value.  All accounts are subject to a $300.00 yearly minimum fee. Accounts receiving comprehensive portfolio reporting are subject to a $750.00 yearly fee. If special services are rendered or requested additional fees may be incured.

HOW DO YOU GET PAID..... Its all taken care of by the custodian. Each quarter, the custodian remits to us the appropriate management fee deducted from the account. With multiple accounts, we normally assign one account to have all fees deducted from it. Consultation visits are paid at the time of the visit, or billed if in-depth services are rendered.

HOW DO I LEARN MORE..... Further information such as PART II of Form ADV filed with the State of Florida Division of Securities is available free of charge upon request. The document details further information on management style, types of investments we manage and other general information. Click here for our brief informational brochure.

TYPES OF INVESTMENTS WE MANAGE.... Our Equity positions generally focus on common stocks, primarily with option availability, that usually pay dividends, represent good value, with a stable management team, where we can also initiate option strategies, in an effort to achieve additional income or hedge risk. The Fixed Income management style, will tend to focus on specific US Treasury or corporate securities, mutual funds, and similar type investments. Most mutual funds are primarily no-load funds with low operating expenses. The Balanced account usually employs a blend of both of these management styles.

WHY WE SHOULD MANAGE YOUR MONEY..... You have Goals...You have Desires...You have Needs...We can help you achieve them...We are investment advisors, not brokers or financial planners. Our opinions and management style is based solely on achieving a consistent satisfactory return for your portfolio. Our style and strategy follow guidelines established with you in our Investment Policy and focuses on a specific goal or desire you are seeking. While past performance is no assurance of future results, we try to achieve a consistent return with limited volatility sacrificing neither principal or liquidity for any expected return.

TYPES OF REPORTING.... Each month you receive a statement from the custodian detailing account activity during the past month. In addition confirmation notices are provided when trades are undertaken in your account. Each quarter MFM provides an investment analysis report showing how your portfolio performed for the quarter. Accounts with funds over $50,000.00 receive an in depth comprehensive analysis that highlights such items as current holdings, dividend and interest income, portfolio yields, option income, quarter and year-to-date investment performance. All clients receive a unique portfolio analysis narrative focusing on your specific investment performance over the past quarter, and our investment outlook for the future. We frequently chat with our clients via office visits, phone, mail and other means to ensure that clients are never displaced from seeing their individual account activity and results. At MFM..we would have it no other way!